Welcome to The Life Atelier Coaching Studio

Join us if you're ready to create simple but powerful practices to fall in love with your life

Our Mission? 

To make coaching tools as accessible as yoga


Because we build a life in moments, decisions, experiences and creating memories to revisit by being present.

The Life Atelier is a workspace to connect with, pick up and master the tools to do this.

Just like anyone who has done a yoga class and been surprised to discover they don’t really know how to breathe (🙋‍♀️), most of us are unfamiliar with our own brains and how we take decisions and create the lives we’re living in.

Coaching tools show you how to use your mind with your body so that you can feel in control of your world, so that you can manage your emotions instead of being managed by them.


  1. Design your day & get unstuck in the moment with The Life Atelier  Model
  2. Set up your week for success fuelled by creativity & play with The Life Atelier rituals
  3. Create months that you remember for all the right reasons with the The Life Atelier focuses
  4. And experience the fulfilment of being able to say ‘this was the season where I ….. ‘ by working in 90 day Flow & Glow cycles bookended by adventures and rest.

Expect conversations, inspiration, strategies & expansive connection.

Hosted by me, your coach , Emma Lavelle ✨



Your Life Atelier Journey

💫 Design Your Day with The Life Atelier Coaching Model 

💫 Set up your week for success with The Life Atelier Rituals


💫 Create months that you'll remember with The Life Atelier Community Focus

💫 Experience seasons where you can say 'this is the time when I .....' by using The 90 Day Life Flow & Glow cycle to rebalance and realign with your new levels.

With The Life Balance Retreat Course

Building your Life Atelier Toolkit with the lesson library

And joining our monthly virtual Flow & Glow-working Retreats to Get It Done

✏️ If you've got questions, email me at [email protected] or pop over to Instagram to DM me @emmalavelle.co and I'll help you out! 

Emma, founder & host of The Life Atelier